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How to Reduce your chance of a Work Zone Crash

Winter weather has created dozens of potholes along interstates and highways, and TDOT is working to repair them as fast as possible over the coming days and weeks. Numerous Roadway Work Zones will seemingly pop up along the way and can create special challenges for drivers of large commercial vehicles due to space restrictions.

Roadway work must take place within highway rights-of-way and more often have a reduced number of travel lanes. The most common violations in work zone areas are speeding and distracted driving.


  • In Tennessee during the calendar year 2022, there were 3,047 Work Zone Crashes, and 691 Involved a Large Truck.
  • Workers were present in 735 of those crashes.
  • 124 secondary crashes occurred.
  • 7 in 10 occurred in an Urban Area.
  • 1 out of 8 involved a Distracted Driver.
  • 12 of 22 Fatal Work Zone Crashes involved Alcohol / Drugs.

The greatest number of crashes are on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm, and Thursdays from 9:00 am and 12:00 pm.

For more information related to Work Zone Crashes or other crash-related information, you can click on:


Reduce your chance of a Work Zone Crash:

  • Pay attention to work zone signs
  • Slow down when approaching the zone, while in the zone, and leaving the zone
  • Leave enough space between you and others
  • Be prepared to stop or slow down unexpectedly
  • Watch for traffic and workers going in and out of the work zone


If possible, research your route before setting out on the road, avoid work zones, and use any available detours. A Work Zone is a No Accident Zone!

Marty Pollock, Director of Safety

Tennessee Trucking Association

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